Over 90% of B2B have not built a formative Brand Visual Language, reflecting a platform of inconsistent branding, and 77% of companies don't follow their brand guidelines.
Sure they may have done their research when it comes to the category and industry they are in, but how much work has been done to understand what their brand’s visual territory can own? When working with Founders assessing or auditing their brand visual language we have consistently found a huge opportunity to claim a visual white space to further differentiate from their competitors and become a memorable brand to their respective consumers.
A brand’s visual territory, its language, consists of 4 key components > Its color, its shape, the semiotics and iconography it conveys, and lastly its typography and voice.
There is a natural order in how we identify things – ever since we were in elementary school we started in a sequential learning order. We started recognizing colors first, the red, blues and yellows and when we mixed them we were excited to see they became orange, purple and greens. From there came shapes > circles, squares, triangles and from there we moved to letters and numbers, our ABCs and 123s.
As we start to mature and age, we still recognize and buy or shop brands the same way, nothing has changed. Our minds have been conditioned to recognize things, and deselect items, in that very exact sequence. Color, Shape and Letters and Numbers (semiotics). Our minds want to identify things quickly…the same applies to how we identify your brand.
Color matters – Having a consistent lead Color increases brand recognition by 80%*
Shape and Semiotics – Over 65% of global brands are recognized by their symbolism, iconography and shape alone.* Which means, startups and small companies need to ensure they create a strong brand visual language foundation, keep the messaging consistent in order to build brand awareness and recognition long term.
Typography and Voice – 75% of people recognize a brand by its wordmark, and 25% of consumers identify brands by their unique voice.**
As previously mentioned brands fail to recognize the power of their brand’s visual language at launch. So they launch a brand that is not unique within their category.
They launch a brand that has no distinct visual notes and has a low memory recall as it falls into the abyss of “Forgetaville”.
If people, consumers, in today’s society are striving for truth and authenticity in brands then it makes sense to carve out a visual territory that is unique and ownable. Carve out a visual territory that is relevant to what you stand for, how your brand wants to be perceived and understood. If our path to brand recognition is through color, shape, semiotics and iconography, and typography and voice then make that path your own. Deepen its meaning so it becomes highly memorable to your future consumers. Enrich your visual territory so the recall of your brand, its meaning is highly understood and reflective within all mediums and marketing platforms it embraces.
At Mylo Tango we believe your Brand’s Visual Language is one of the key components of making the launch of your brand or rebranding successful. In order to grow your brand we must communicate its offering through visuals, color, words that become symbolic and powerful in conveying and carrying your brand’s message.
If you want to learn more about the power of your Brand’s Visual language contact
Bobby Alexiou at bobby@mylotango.com and Chad Grenier at chad@mylotango.com
or please feel free to call us at 203-570-1488.
*Source: Rockefeller University 2020
**Source: Zippia Forum 2022